Our CSR strategy
Based on the strength of the values ingrained in its company DNA, Coverpla upholds a solid CSR strategy impelled by a commitment to protect both humans and their natural environment. For Coverpla, CSR is a strong driver for innovation and competitiveness. It offers an opportunity to collectively consider the role of a company in society, the value of work, the division of responsibilities, and the vision of tomorrow. Coverpla has constructed a CSR report as a guideline, including situational analyses and action plans. Its principal objective is for the company to reach carbon neutrality by 2025.
One mission, five pillars
The CSR strategy of Coverpla is based on five pillars:
Sustainable performance on all segments and markets
A strictly rational offer of products and services suited to clients’ needs
Innovative industrial facilities and an increased storage capacity to the benefit of carbon neutrality
The continual promotion of local supply chains
The satisfaction of the company’s stakeholders and the respect of good practices
The company’s carbon report, based on the three scopes, reveals two areas for optimisation: glass manufacturing and international freight. This raised awareness could lead to a principle of environmental compensation.
Striving towards the carbon neutrality objective involves the entire product development process. Each step constitutes a source of optimisation, from sourcing to energy management (water conservation, green energy, sustainable lighting, etc.) to improving the performance of our industrial facilities (machine insulation, purchasing new models, etc.). Optimising each process contributes to the conservation of resources, including reducing the volume of scraps and recycling post-production Surlyn (16%). Surlyn is the only material we source from across the Atlantic
Green Attitude
In the last few years, Coverpla has been anticipating the expectations of its client brands. Its approach is based on four “Rs”: Recycled, Recyclable, Refillable, and Reasonable. To date, the Coverpla catalogue features 16 eco-designed bottles and 6 eco-designed caps.
Some of the bottles contain a percentage of PCR, while others are lightweight. The principle that cosmetic brands seek most is refillability. To offer this possibility, Coverpla proposes an increasing number of product references featuring screw rings (CV15) which are compatible with all the caps in the catalogue. Our travel formats foster waste prevention and/or reuse. Our caps are injected at our Nice-based site (recycled Surlyn, biosourced PHA, 100% biodegradable) or are sourced with partners selected for their innovation: wooden pieces with or without cork inserts, aluminium pieces without inserts, and so on.
Quality and security
Short supply chains and guaranteed quality: Coverpla ensures quality through its short supply chains. The company fosters proximity throughout its entire supply chain. Neither its sourcing perimeter nor its partner network stretch beyond the borders of Europe (97%). This position focuses on the quality image that is increasingly sought-after by brands, offering a solid advantage abroad. In addition to sourcing the highest quality of components with several historically recognised manufacturers, Coverpla plans to expand its procurement security and stock.
Moreover, the company has been certified ISO 9001 since 2002. Employee safety and protection are foremost concerns at the workplace (product use, workshop ergonomics, noise management, fitness and well-being, quality of life at work, respect for the natural environment, and more). Coverpla is also an integral part of the regional and national community, and it participates in its athletic, cultural, economic, and social activities as demonstrated by a number of patronage and sponsorship operations.