• Make a standard bottle,
    into a 100% branded product

    Coverpla, creator of turnkey perfumery and cosmetics solutions.

  • Coverpla, is a turnkey solutions provider
    in parfumery and cosmetics packaging.

    Coverpla designs, develops and manufactures turnkey packaging solutions for parfumery and cosmetics brands.
    Coverpla’s personalisation concept offers the possibility to mix-and-match standard products and then add distinctive finishings.

    While it is present on the international markets, Coverpla maintains its local flavour and resolutely Franco-European savoir-faire.
    We offer a number of advantages, including a secure, high-quality supply chain and the guarantee of agile, cost-effective, selective, eco-responsible solutions.


Our MOQ for silkscreening, hot stamping and pad printing have been lowered to 1 000 pieces. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

The magic of COVERPLA personalisation

Take a standard bottle and make it 100% distinctive. Find just the right bottle and fit it with a premium cap, pump and pump cover... Then add just the right distinctive decoration: such is the magic of personalisation. Let your imagination run wild!

Mix & Match

Choose from hundreds of bottles and caps, as well as a variety of pump models. Feel free to try out even the most daring combinations to showcase your products. Explore a wide variety of sizes and shapes, and adopt the Green Attitude.

Decorations and Finishes

Explore a wide variety of textures and shapes, dare to create unexpected effects, and choose even the boldest colours... Discover our finishes for bottles and caps. Unlimited possibilities in store"


A word from the President

"Acting now means investing for the future."

We expect companies to be committed to and in harmony with society; to be respectful of employees and the environment, more ethical, more social. We expect it to have a long-term vision, a transparent strategy, and managers who are committed to and uphold values on its behalf.
Between new regulations, the expectations of employees who want to give meaning to their work, those of informed consumers and citizens, faced with market constraints and the climate emergency, CSR is becoming an obvious necessity.

Coverpla has turned it into an opportunity. Car elle est autant un moyen de réconcilier le citoyen et l’entreprise, l’Homme et la Terre, qu’un levier d’innovation et de compétitivité.

Our CSR report formalises our commitment to sustainable and responsible development.

Coverpla is approaching 80 years of age, the right age for a fulfilled life with an unquenchable thirst for new trends and an impetuous desire to move forward.

Our Commitment

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A few examples of our accomplishments

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Savoir-faire since 1946

The history of Coverpla began in 1946 with the distribution of wine and spirits bottles before the company began to focus on bottles and caps for perfumery. In the ’80s and ’90s, the company began industrial production and opened to exportation with a global offer of turnkey solutions. After steady growth, it was taken over by Bruno Diépois in 2010, and it continues to prosper. In 2016, Coverpla reinforced its international expansion by founding a sister company in New York City. The catalogue of standard caps and bottles is growing year after year, the industrial facilities continue to ramp up, and sustainable development is increasingly driving its growth and innovation. Coverpla reinvents itself every day for a better tomorrow.

The Mix & Match offer

The pertinence of Coverpla’s position is based on its turnkey offer, which offers an exacting quality of product presentation in respect for the best quality/time/value compromise. Whether for a small series or a major launch, Coverpla is committed to providing clients with more than just a product, but rather a service, through its development of 100 % personalisable packaging.